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ベトナム Tan Thuan Complex Area


団地名 Tan Thuan Complex Area


国名 ベトナム
所在地 Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 地図
事業主体 Tan Thuan Corporation
面積 Industrial park: 300 ha
Leasable area: 204,45 ha
Occupancy rate: 95%, the remaining area is prioritized for Ready-Built spaces for lease (factory, warehouse, office) and spaces for Build-To-Suit projects
対象施設 Ready-Built-Factory; Ready-Built-Warehouse; Build-To-Suit; Office for lease
道路 4km to Ho Chi Minh City center
2km to Phu My Hung, district 7, Ho Chi Minh City
鉄道 8km to Saigon Train Station
空港 13km to Tan Son Nhat International Airport
港湾 Tan Thuan port, Ben Nghe port, VICT port and Saigon port (right next to Tan Thuan zone)
都市計画用途地域 Focus on the non-polluted and light industries
用水 Equipped with water purification plant, industrial water supply
Capacity: 20.000㎥ - 24/7
排水 Equipped with wastewater treatment plant. The primary treatment at each tenant factory is required at the B-level standard; the final treatment by the developer is at the A-level standard. The wastewater treatment plant capacity: 15.000㎥/day
電力 120 MW and can be increased
ガス -
譲渡単価 -
賃貸区分 Negotiable
連絡先 Tel: 84-28-37701777 ; 37701888
Fax: 84-28-37701999
Email: marketing@tanthuan.com.vn

Tan Thuan complex Zone
(including: export processing area, commercial area, industrial area)


公開日 2021/06/01


おすすめコンテンツ from Biz-Nova(ビズノヴァ)

